My Tibetan Warrior
Buster, my Buddhist Monk Incarnate, was put to 'sleep' recently. He understood but had little resistance. Cancer had permeated much of his body. He could barely move but would try to follow us if we left him alone. He did …
Elmer Strumecki
Buster, my Buddhist Monk Incarnate, was put to 'sleep' recently. He understood but had little resistance. Cancer had permeated much of his body. He could barely move but would try to follow us if we left him alone. He did …
Well my life cycle has come full circle, figuratively speaking. From being taught by everyone not to be stupid during my formative years, to coming to the realization that stupidity is looked upon by the majority of our population as …
Our English language is inadequate when it tries but fails to describe the nature of our specie. Religions and several other institutions have played a role in determining and judging what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Viewing the ‘light’ and …
Some have said that every psychological and emotional problem or conflict stems from some type of relationship gone ‘wrong’. Why is it so difficult for us to relate to each other? Hi, how are you? I`m fine. In most cases …
The area where we are the most covert and deceptive is sex. Yet, we are created from it, are driven by it, identify through it and indulge in it, under the guise of many ‘veils’. Why is it so …
We can learn anywhere. Yet, our culture prefers that we spend most of our growing, impressionable and learning time in the classroom. Why is that? Why is our existing formal education system so important to our culture? Are we happier …
As I evolve, I realize that everything that I experience and how I feel about the experience, is totally dependent upon my perception. And, that perception is totally dependent upon what I have chosen to believe and that hopefully, those …
We do not know how to love healthy. We simply do not know how because we have never been shown nor taught. Our chosen teachers did the best they could with what they had but they did not know how, …
One day, I was weight training at Cedar Hill Rec Center in Victoria, BC, Canada when I heard an unusual noise. Looking around because of impaired hearing, I noticed an elderly and frail man being wheeled into the training area …
Denial is the disease of our time. It has become this species 'cancer'. We have lost our ability to relate without SPIN to not only others but also and more importantly, ourselves. We twist, shape, turn and draw out whatever …