Westdom And Amora

Not one day passes without getting a signal(s) that we are heading toward ‘collision’ with what greed and fear bring. From religions spewing the ‘right path’, to the stock markets coercing us into believing that the world (civilization) revolves around the economy, to political power and corruption running rampant, to the adverse impacts of the media and the internet, we are being overpowered, albeit willingly, to succumb to ‘forces’ which are running contrary to our very nature.

For an extended period of time, we have been ‘selling our souls’ to all of the above without realizing the consequences of our actions. We have chosen to behave like ‘sheep’ (goyim) and jump on popular and trendy ‘bandwagons’ for fear of being left behind. Behind what? Behind cultures and societies that are living longer, albeit drugged numb, to only experience poor health and diminishing quality of life for a longer period of time. Behind accruing and hoarding beyond imagination. “Whomever ends up with the most toys, wins”, has become our mantra. Success has been diminished to a virtual ‘monopoly game’. Behind addictions that consume us and lay waste to creativity and wellness balance. Behind unhappiness of ourselves and the world we live in. Behind never feeling satisfied with whom and what we are for fear of our image being tarnished. Behind our inability to relate for fear of not being accepted or found out. Behind our unwillingness to tolerate, understand and accept our neighbour. Behind ‘chasing’ the uncatchable ‘rainbow’. Behind overachieving. Behind competition for world dominance. Behind communities that stress the external. Behind pollution for economic sake. Behind land ownership that is not ours to own but to care for and pass onto the next generation, and in a form that is better than was passed on to us. Behind borders that we have no right to place. Behind security programs for our so-called protection. Behind insatiable thirst and appetite to consume. Behind lacking satisfaction. Behind a lack of contentment. Behind not experiencing peace. Behind not feeling self-actualized and hence not Loving ourselves. Behind not feeling empowered. NO THANK YOU to being fearful of being left behind, while feeling isolated, ignored, alienated, shunned and not accepted.

So, while we are heading for the 'sea cliff ledge' like lemmings, let us take a look around, perhaps during a seductive and suggestive television or internet commercial, and take a critical and objective view of ourselves. Let us understand that we still, in spite of the seemingly insurmountable pressure, have the power to choose our life’s path, albeit in a limited but perfect manner. That, although the forces are powerful and should be respected, if not feared, no one can enslave us, except ourselves.